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A 70 year old ,labourer by occupation came with chief complaints of 1)decreased urine output since 20days 2)burning micturition since 20 days 3)urgency and hesitency of micturition since 20 days 4)mass per abdomen since 15 days The patient was apparently asymptomatic 20 days back ,then she noticed a decrease in her urine output , burning micturition,urgency and hesitency of micturition ,so she visited local hospital and investigations were done  She denies h/o fever, loin pain, hematuria. PAST HISTORY She was hysterectomised 18 years back for fibroid uterus. Not a k/c/o T2DM,HTN,asthma , epilepsy,TB  PERSONAL HISTORY Diet - mixed Appetite - normal Sleep- adequate Bowel movements- normal General physical examination Pt is conscious, coherent, cooperative,   Vitals- Temp- afebrile  Bp-90/50 mm hg Pr- 86 bpm Rr-20 cpm Spo2- 98% on RA Systemic examination RS- bae+, nvbs Cvs-S1 S2 + P/A - distended,tenderness + a hard mass of size 12x8 cm palpable in the suprapubic region. Cns- nad

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